Meaningful: Goals

Meaningful eMail

Resources For Crafting A Meaningful Second Half

Hi there Reader,

Welcome to this edition of Meaningful eMail with the most recent takeaway and updates linked here at the top, and then a full article for your consideration.

Grab what's helpful today, then save others for future reference. You never know when you or someone in your network could use a boost!

Recent Takeaways & Updates

Top Takeways: How Will You Measure Your Life by Christensen et al.

Excellent ideas for shaping our vision as we move into this new year.

Upcoming: The Next Mid-Career Remix Roundtable 1/16

Monthly conversations for clarity, confidence and career vision. Sign up for the next one: January 19.

New for '25:
Mid-Career Power Session

In this powerful 90-minute session, you'll reclaim your value and start shaping your future—your way.

Let's Explore

What if there's a better way to set goals?

During a mastermind of solopreneurs this past Friday, I shared my Q1 goal: make more connections and start more collaborations. It sounded great: strategic, actionable, measurable.

But as I was sweeping a rare four inches of snow off our deck yesterday, something about that goal didn't sit right: that's not my real goal.

I was playing it safe.

I then turned on the coaching part of my brain and brought out a question I've asked clients in this situation: WHY do I want this goal?

It's because connections and collaborations lead to something bigger: more revenue, more clients, and ultimately, more impact. That’s my true goal.

It hit me: I’d set a surface-level goal instead of digging deeper into the outcome I actually wanted.

Setting Goals That Matter

Funny enough, my brother, who shares my love for personal development, gave me Big Goals by Caroline Adams Miller at Christmas. It’s all about setting meaningful goals using the BRIDGE framework, and even after just skimming it, one thing stood out: the power of aligning your goals with your values and strengths. It’s already shifting how I approach goals.

I've been pretty reluctant to set goals before. Part of me rebels against the hustle culture they seem to represent. And yet part of me feels there's something to be said for having a vision and working towards it. Then there's the nervous part of me - that part that hesitates to set goals because of the sting of disappointment if I don't reach them.

Sound familiar?

The Real Problem With Goals

As I think about how my own goal-setting experience and those my clients, a pattern's emerging: surface-level goals alone don’t spark transformation or lasting motivation. The Smart, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound (SMART) goal approach we typically see might feel productive but doesn’t tap into what truly drives us.

And then, when we don’t meet them, we spiral. We tell ourselves we’re undisciplined or unmotivated. But here's the truth: It’s not you. The problem isn’t your ability to follow through, it’s the approach.

A Better Way To Set Goals

What if instead of forcing yourself into a framework that may or may not work, you created goals that feel alive?

Goals that:

+ Ignite your confidence because they reflect your true self

+ Bring clarity and momentum, rather another checklist to manage

+ Align with your deeper drivers, sparking meaningful progress

It's fascinating to uncover more research about this approach. Both Big Goals and How Will You Measure Your Life address the difference deeper goals can make. And I can see it come to life in my own experience and those of my clients.

Take The Next Step

Whether you’re feeling stuck in your current role or unsure of your next move, I’ll help you discover the deeper drivers of your career and life goals.

That clarity is exactly what I do with my clients. It's less about sticking to particular framework and more about what works for YOU.

The 90-minute Power Session is a great way to create a personalized plan to move you forward with clarity and confidence.

I also encourage you to come to the next Mid-Career Remix Roundtable on January 16th - a safe space to explore career confidence, clarity & vision with like-minded professionals.

The goals that truly matter aren’t out of reach, you just need the right process to uncover YOURS. Let’s create the roadmap to a more aligned, confident, and impactful you.

20650 Old Elkmont Rd, Athens, Alabama 35614
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